Pride Charity Bundle - Information Page!

Graphic reading "The Stitchers Collective and The Starlight Stitchery present the Pride cross stitch charity bundle benefiting Rainbow Railroad and the Transgender Law Center. 16 Designs, $10 minimum donation." The word Pride has stripes with the colors of the progress pride flag.

The Pride Cross Stitch Charity Bundle is a collaboration of 16 cross stitch designers from The Stitchers Collective and The Starlight Stitchery in support of Rainbow Railroad and Transgender Law Center.

This labor of love celebrates the 2SLGBTQIA+ community through pride-themed patterns which were all designed to inspire joy in a time when the safety, well-being, and very identity of community members are being increasingly challenged. Although cross stitch patterns will not rid the world of homophobia, transphobia, or hatred in general, this bundle is our small contribution to the fight for the right to live comfortably as our authentic selves.

The minimum price for the bundle is $10, but you can choose to pay more if you wish! After purchase, you will be able to download all 16 patterns immediately. 100% of the proceeds will go to Rainbow Railroad and Transgender Law Center.

The bundle will go on sale at midnight PDT on June 1st and will be available through 11:59 pm PDT on June 30.

Featuring patterns by:


  • Every Friday, starting with June 2nd, The Starlight Stitchery will post screenshots of sales numbers for the bundle on our accountability page as well as on our Instagram and the front page of our store. These will show the exact number of bundles sold as well as the total sales numbers for the bundle to date.

  • On July 1, Pamela from The Starlight Stitchery will donate 50% of the total proceeds from the bundle to Rainbow Railroad and 50% to Transgender Law Center. We will post screenshots of the receipts for these donations to our accountability page, our Instagram, and the front page of our store.

  • All fees associated with bundle purchases (such as payment processing fees, etc) will be covered by The Starlight Stitchery, so the total sales amount is exactly what will be donated to the two charities.

  • Any questions or concerns should be directed to The Starlight Stitchery.